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The Feature Documentary: The Filmmakers


Elizabeth Kahn and Helene Kahn are the Executive Producers and Producers who conceptualized the idea of Forever After and who are highly involved in every aspect of the making of this film.

Directors / Co-Producers

The film is being Produced and co-Directed by Adam Rubin and Adrian Belic.

Adam received his MFA in film production and directing from USC, and has extensive experience in directing and cinematography. He wrote and directed a short film, The Cricket Player, which was an Academy Award qualifier for 2003 and has garnered many awards in recent film festivals worldwide. Adam also received the Jack Nicholson Directing Award, which is the highest directing award and scholarship at USC.

Adrian was nominated for an Academy Award in 2000 for Best Feature Documentary for creating the film “Genghis Blues”. His film has won a number of major festival awards around the world including the Audience Award at the Sundance film Festival. Beilc's latest film, "Beyond the Call" will premiere in 2006 at the Tribeca and San Francisco International Film Festivals.

Both filmmakers are comfortable in different cultural environments, and have traveled and filmed extensively around the world.

Belic explains his commitment to the project:

"I joined this project because I believe that through this film audiences will see that violence is not an isolated experience, emerging and subsiding in far away places , but rather that violence to one is violence to all and in order to stop it, we must be willing to never forget, and to take a stand in each of our countries and neighborhoods to confront violence and injustice where we live."

"I was equally inspired to join this project because it looks at the historic human tragedy of the Holocaust with an eye on the future. The film takes a broad overview at the lasting effects of the Holocaust on its survivors, through the experiences and lessons passed down to their children, grandchildren and extended family members, many of whom were born and raised in lands far from war torn Europe. "

"In this quest to understand the legacy of the Holocaust through the descendants and the survivors, amongst the many themes that are addressed, references from the participants that are interviewed make connections to the post-Holocaust human tragedies such as the military dictatorships in South America, Apartheid in South Africa, Communism in Europe and Asia as well as the recent genocide's as in Bosnia Herzegovina, Rwanda and the Sudan. "

Adam Rubin continues...

"In addition to being a powerful post-Holocaust documentary, 'Forever After' is a fascinating look into the human psyche. As we have continued to film for the project, I realize more about the human mind being truly intriguing and disturbing. Beside this project opening my eyes to some very powerful Holocaust-related events and tragedies, it has also led me to understand that genocide or large scale traumatic events do not just impact those who experience them directly, but the generations to follow. It has made me think differently about slavery and about war in general, and about how the repercussions go on long after they have ended. The world needs a provocative film that will make it think about how our actions today affect tomorrow."


Cinematography is by Bry Thomas Sanders. Bry graduated with an MFA from USC film school and to date has shot over fifty narrative films, numerous commercials and worked for several reality TV shows. Bry's cinematography collected awards at various film festivals including: Brooklyn Film Festival, Houston World Film Fest, and a nomination for best HD cinematography at HD FEST.

Bry garnered nominations for the Eastman Kodak Scholarship, the USC Cinematography Scholarship, and the American Society of Cinematographers Scholarship Awards.


Christopher Halmo is the designated principal editor of Forever After, and responsible for the editing of the emotionally charged and most excellent pilot of the documentary, instrumental in highlighting to our sponsors, the varied and numerous themes that will appear in the final feature version of the film.

Chris is an MFA graduate of USC film school, and works on projects ranging from commercials and music videos to features and documentaries with clients such as Doggystyle Records, Sanctuary Urban Records, CMT, Warner Canada, Hakuhodo Japan, BAFTA Los Angeles, St. Louis Rams, Cleveland Indians, and the Oakland A's. Chris has won several awards both as an Editor and a film Director.


Supplemental Editing
The organization acknowledges film editors Jeff Landsman, D J Joo and graphic designer Jordan Malama from S 2 editing house in Chicago for their outstanding work and support of Forever After. D J Joo edited the pilot Forever After: Dispelling the Myth (specifically on Brazil) and Jordan Malama is the creator of the newest labels for both DVD pilots.

The organization also thanks editor Tim Baron in Chicago for his creative vision and commitment to the project. He has been instrumental in helping us synthesize the two pilots into a shortened but effective piece that is showcased on our website.

Legal Assistance
The organization expresses our deep appreciation to The Entertainment and Intellectual Property Group based out of Chicago, specifically Senior Counsel Jerry Glover for providing us with expert legal advice and appropriate legal documents required every step of the way for the production of the documentary Forever After. We are privileged to have the EIP Law Group be of such great assistance to all our legal needs that are numerous given the broad international scope of the project.>

Accounting Assistance
The organization gives a heartfelt thank you for the contribution of Jeremy Dubow from the accounting group Naviaux, Dubow & Harris LLC headquartered in Chicago.