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Sobel & the Kahns
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Kaplan's and Blumenthal
Felsberg grandchildren
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Forever After Project, Inc. is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization with a mission to eliminate prejudice and discrimination by keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive. Initially, our intention is to provide a vehicle for Descendants of the Holocaust to share with the public their perspectives and their commitment to not allow the memory of this horrifying event to become lost or forgotten. Over time this may take the form of various diverse projects.

We are currently in production with our first project, an engaging feature documentary entitled “Forever After: Voices of Descendants of the Holocaust From Around the World.”



Yad Vashem

Forever After Project Inc. is proud to be endorsed by Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority. (

"Your endeavors in the area of remembrance will help keep the history of our people and our communities alive. It is only through memory and transmission of that memory that we, as a civilized people can hope to make the world a more tolerant place. We, at Yad Vashem, have engaged the second and third generation for many years. We understand the need for listening to the stories of the children of survivors as well as the stories of the survivors themselves. We commend you on your dedication to this most difficult task."

-Eli Zborowski, Chairman


Ilinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center

Forever After Project Inc. is proud to be endorsed by and collaborating with The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, an organization in the Midwest dedicated to fighting prejudice by teaching the next generations (

"...On behalf of The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, we wish to commend your thoughtful pursuit of understanding in examining the enduring legacy of the Holocaust on the second and third generations.

We are deeply appreciative of the important work you have undertaken to illuminate this often overlooked aspect of Holocaust history. We very much look forward to collaborating with you in bringing this educational material into the new Museum.

With all best wishes."

-Richard S. Hirschhaut

Please visit our film site to learn more about this groundbreaking documentary.

Forever After in production

Be a Part of the Film!

Co-Executive Producers, Elizabeth and Helene Kahn, present you with the opportunity to be a part of “Forever After: Voices of Descendants of the Holocaust from Around the World,” a documentary film that gives Descendants and Survivors a post Holocaust voice, speaking to the forever ongoing effects of the Holocaust that are handed down through the generations.

Learn how you can help!

© Forever After Project, Inc. 2006-17